11 May 2013

Oh Darling, Let's be Adventurers (AKA: Day 5)

Day 5: Five places you want to visit

1. Paris, France
Now let me explain, Paris is probably on every girl's "to visit" list because of how romantic the city is. Me? I just really want to go the art museums and see the gorgeous gothic architecture.
Example A: The Sainte Chapelle. The invention of flying buttresses is the reason this is as breathtaking as it is. These flying buttresses take the weight off of the main wall allowing it to be made almost entirely of stained glass.

2. Venice, Italy

Doesn't this picture say enough?
3. Germany
Ich liebe Deutschland! Someday I will travel to Germany and stay until my heart is content. I mean, just look at this place! 

4. The Holy Lands
I've always wanted to visit the Holy Lands and it doesn't really help that my university has a study abroad there. Maybe I'll become a professional student and never graduate so I can do all the extracurriculars I want.

5. Australia
I want to find someone who loves me enough to fly to Australia and then road trip the Great Ocean Road with me. Any takers?

"Adventure is out there!"
-Disney Pixar's Up

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