09 May 2013

Day 2

Day 2: Ten likes and dislikes

1. Small cereal bowls. I say this mostly because the bowl I grabbed this morning was clearly meant for an ant. Who has time to refill a tiny bowl two or three times just to get a decent amount of Apple Jacks?? In the words of Sweet Brown, "ain't nobody got time for that!" 
2. Finals. The bittersweet end of the semester. You've slaved away for the past 15 weeks and then just as you think your mental capacity has reached its limits you come face to face with finals. I feel that if I have an A in the class, why should I prove that I'm competent in that subject? Haven't I already established that? Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox.
3. Feeling unproductive. Last spring/summer I worked four jobs. This time around I have one. I'm going crazy here.
4. Disappearing spiders. The only thing worse than finding a spider lurking in your things is when it disappears.
5. Mayonnaise. I don't think I need to expound on this one...
6. Escalators. These things are terrifying! I can't stand them, especially in airports! They're a million miles steep and they expect you to balance yourself and your luggage onto a tiny moving platform. I don't think so.
7. Onions. After a night of food poisoning, I can never look at onions the same way. I should note that I know it wasn't the onion's fault, but they have taken the blame.
8. Folding laundry. It's done nothing to merit being on this list. I just find it irritating.
9. Grading yourself on a number scale. At work, we do reviews of ourselves and our progress at work, in which we grade ourselves on how well we feel we are doing. There's a fine line between confidence and being arrogant.
10. Needles and blood. Pretty sure the majority of the world is on my side on this one, but in all honesty, I can't handle it. I pass out or turn pale, okay paler, than what I already am. I donated blood once and it ruined me. I bleed to fast and then I passed out. I spent the whole day being dizzy and nauseous. Have I ever been back? Nope. I'm sure after another four years or so I'll build up the courage to go back...maybe.

1. My bed. It's pretty much the greatest thing known to man kind. It's always there for me after a long day of school and work. I doesn't judge me if/when I sleep in or go to bed at 9pm. What more can a girl ask for?
2. Sunshine. Who doesn't love sunshine?! It's nature's pick-me-up! Back home, in the land of eternal summer and perpetual sunshine, it always smelled of citrus and sea air. I'm confident that if sunshine had a scent, it would be that.
3. My family. We're a bunch of goofs, but I couldn't ask for anything better. Moving over 2,000 miles away from them to attend school was hard, but it's only been a growing opportunity for all of us. My family is amazing and I'm so excited to see them next month.
4. Adorable YouTube videos. I love media that uplift others, makes people laugh, or shares something that is just downright cute. For example, this is one that my brother shared with me today. So cute. I love it!
5. Babies. Okay, first off, I've been a nanny for nine years now. I can't help it; I love them :]
6. Dr. Pepper. I'm 100% confident that if I was given enough DP I could conquer the world.
7. Garlic naan. For those of you who don't know what naan is, it's Indian flat bread and tangible proof that God loves us.
8. One Direction. Yes, I am well aware that I'm pushing the borders of age-appropriateness of liking boy bands. Quite frankly, I don't care. In my defense, I was a little young in the 90's to really get into the Backstreet Boys or NSYNC. Also, I'm seeing One Direction in concert in July!! What?! I'm so excited! I bought my tickets last year. Don't judge.
9. Dresses. I know I mentioned this the other day, but it doesn't make it any less true.
10. Laser Tag. Again, pushing the borders of age-appropriateness. Doesn't change my love for it in the slightest.

"A goal not written down is merely a wish"

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