09 May 2013

Day 3

Day 3: Your day in great detail

Well, normally on my days off I really do a bunch of nothing. However, today was different! I made plans with people all throughout the day! Yay! This morning I woke up at 7 to go babysit some adorable little kids for my friend. Her three year old and I pretended we were dinosaurs while the baby slept. After running around for a good half hour, the little guy informed me he wanted to watch Finding Nemo. So, we popped in the movie and I made him a snack of toast with raspberry jam. During this whole movie, the baby started to fuss a little bit, so I held her and she fell back asleep. She is just so tiny and precious; I love her. After babysitting, I went back to my apartment and submitted a maintenance request to have them figure out why my kitchen is smelling so offensive as of late. I really hope the maintenance people have a sense of humor because this is what I sent in...
 ...do you think they liked it? Might as well make things interesting.
Anyway, after sending in that report my friend, let's call him Mase (pronounce it like mace), and I went up to the outlet mall to do our birthday gift exchange. Here are the shoes I bought him
and here are the shoes he bought me

Happy birthday to us!! Better late than never, right? While we were at the outlets I ended up getting socks (now I can have matching ones!), a new wallet, and a tie. Why the tie? Oh, the only two things I have no will power against buying are dresses and ties. Plus, it was 50% off. I'm saving it for when an opportunity calls for it as a gift to a man friend. Is that weird? I hope not.
After shopping, I went to dinner to Red Robin with some friends. I had never been before and I was impressed. Their raspberry lemonade was phenomenal. I'm sold. When I got back from dinner, I taught another friend, we'll call him Ty, how to fix a shirt of theirs that had a tear in it. Granted it wasn't the most amazing repair job I've ever seen (sorry Ty) but it was all hidden so everything worked out great! Then I went over to play Sentinels of the Multiverse with my brother and Mase. Finally, I'm drinking a can of coke and typing all of this out while wondering why I'm not in bed yet - then I remind myself that I'm a single college student and I'm up this late anyway.

Phew! I hope that was detailed enough for y'all. Comments? Questions? Concerns? Violent outbursts of anger? Let me know!

"What we really are matters more than what other people think of us"
-Jawaharlal Nehru

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