22 May 2013

General Craziness

Tonight, I interrupt our (not really) regularly scheduled 30 day blog challenge post to bring you a new highlight of my life.

I went on a rope swing. over the freezing Provo River. in the (almost) middle of the night!!

That is all. Okaythanks!

"She didn't belong anywhere and she never really belonged to anyone. And everyone else belonged somewhere and to someone. People thought she was too wonderful. But she only wanted to belong to someone. People always thought she was too wonderful to belong to them or that something too wonderful would hurt too much to lose. And that's why she liked him--because he just thought she was crazy."
-C. JoyBell C.

14 May 2013

Day 8

Day 8: Three things you want to say to different people

Is this supposed to be things that you wish you could say to people but don't have the guts to tell them in person? I'm going to assume as much...

1. Thank you for always taking care of me. You do so much for me and I wish I could do something for you to fully express my appreciation. I'm glad I moved into the same complex as you and that we are better friends now than what we were growing up.

2. While I admire your dedication to your studies and job I think you need to give yourself a break. Stop taking life so seriously! Enjoy the things around you, no matter how small. 

3. I miss you.

"Decide what in your heart of hearts what really excites and challenges you and start moving your life in that direction. Every decision you make, from what you eat to what you do with your time tonight turns you into who you are tomorrow, and the day after that. Look at who you want to be and start sculpting yourself into that person. You may not get exactly where you thought you'd be but you will be doing things that suits you in a profession you believe in. Don't let life randomly kick you into the adult you don't want to become."
-Chris Hadfield

Day 7

Day 7: What do you read? What are your favorite books?

What do I read? Oh, you know, just those boring overused books that are part of every public English or literature class...and textbooks. Don't forget the textbooks.

Fun little side story: When I was younger, I used to hate reading. However, around 4th grade my mom convinced me to read the first Harry Potter book. That was the moment I fell in love with books.

I don't read as much as I used to or as much as I want to (thank you college), but I have all spring/summer to fix that. So people of the interwebs I ask of you...what should I read this summer?

"I never let my school interfere with my education."
-Mark Twain

Day 6

Day 6: What band/musician is most important to you

Oh goodness, this is difficult. How can I pick just one? How about y'all just take a peek at the "tunes" page and see what I listen to? Sound good? Good!

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."
-Beverly Sills

11 May 2013

Oh Darling, Let's be Adventurers (AKA: Day 5)

Day 5: Five places you want to visit

1. Paris, France
Now let me explain, Paris is probably on every girl's "to visit" list because of how romantic the city is. Me? I just really want to go the art museums and see the gorgeous gothic architecture.
Example A: The Sainte Chapelle. The invention of flying buttresses is the reason this is as breathtaking as it is. These flying buttresses take the weight off of the main wall allowing it to be made almost entirely of stained glass.

2. Venice, Italy

Doesn't this picture say enough?
3. Germany
Ich liebe Deutschland! Someday I will travel to Germany and stay until my heart is content. I mean, just look at this place! 

4. The Holy Lands
I've always wanted to visit the Holy Lands and it doesn't really help that my university has a study abroad there. Maybe I'll become a professional student and never graduate so I can do all the extracurriculars I want.

5. Australia
I want to find someone who loves me enough to fly to Australia and then road trip the Great Ocean Road with me. Any takers?

"Adventure is out there!"
-Disney Pixar's Up

10 May 2013

Day 4

Day 4: The meaning behind your blog name

Oh! I got this! I named by blog "April, Born in May" because it answers one of the first questions I get after telling someone my name - "oh, are you born in April?" Nope; I was born in May. Thankfully my parents were a little more creative than simply naming me after my birth month. Although, my mom did want to name me Cécile for a while....dodged a bullet there.

Since that was a little short, I'll go ahead and tell you a little something else. Why the unrelated quotes at the bottom of each post? Well, I love quotes and I want you to love them too! When I find one I like for the day, I just add it to my post. Why not?

"In three words I can sum up everything I know about life: it goes on"
-Robert Frost

09 May 2013

Day 3

Day 3: Your day in great detail

Well, normally on my days off I really do a bunch of nothing. However, today was different! I made plans with people all throughout the day! Yay! This morning I woke up at 7 to go babysit some adorable little kids for my friend. Her three year old and I pretended we were dinosaurs while the baby slept. After running around for a good half hour, the little guy informed me he wanted to watch Finding Nemo. So, we popped in the movie and I made him a snack of toast with raspberry jam. During this whole movie, the baby started to fuss a little bit, so I held her and she fell back asleep. She is just so tiny and precious; I love her. After babysitting, I went back to my apartment and submitted a maintenance request to have them figure out why my kitchen is smelling so offensive as of late. I really hope the maintenance people have a sense of humor because this is what I sent in...
 ...do you think they liked it? Might as well make things interesting.
Anyway, after sending in that report my friend, let's call him Mase (pronounce it like mace), and I went up to the outlet mall to do our birthday gift exchange. Here are the shoes I bought him
and here are the shoes he bought me

Happy birthday to us!! Better late than never, right? While we were at the outlets I ended up getting socks (now I can have matching ones!), a new wallet, and a tie. Why the tie? Oh, the only two things I have no will power against buying are dresses and ties. Plus, it was 50% off. I'm saving it for when an opportunity calls for it as a gift to a man friend. Is that weird? I hope not.
After shopping, I went to dinner to Red Robin with some friends. I had never been before and I was impressed. Their raspberry lemonade was phenomenal. I'm sold. When I got back from dinner, I taught another friend, we'll call him Ty, how to fix a shirt of theirs that had a tear in it. Granted it wasn't the most amazing repair job I've ever seen (sorry Ty) but it was all hidden so everything worked out great! Then I went over to play Sentinels of the Multiverse with my brother and Mase. Finally, I'm drinking a can of coke and typing all of this out while wondering why I'm not in bed yet - then I remind myself that I'm a single college student and I'm up this late anyway.

Phew! I hope that was detailed enough for y'all. Comments? Questions? Concerns? Violent outbursts of anger? Let me know!

"What we really are matters more than what other people think of us"
-Jawaharlal Nehru

Day 2

Day 2: Ten likes and dislikes

1. Small cereal bowls. I say this mostly because the bowl I grabbed this morning was clearly meant for an ant. Who has time to refill a tiny bowl two or three times just to get a decent amount of Apple Jacks?? In the words of Sweet Brown, "ain't nobody got time for that!" 
2. Finals. The bittersweet end of the semester. You've slaved away for the past 15 weeks and then just as you think your mental capacity has reached its limits you come face to face with finals. I feel that if I have an A in the class, why should I prove that I'm competent in that subject? Haven't I already established that? Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox.
3. Feeling unproductive. Last spring/summer I worked four jobs. This time around I have one. I'm going crazy here.
4. Disappearing spiders. The only thing worse than finding a spider lurking in your things is when it disappears.
5. Mayonnaise. I don't think I need to expound on this one...
6. Escalators. These things are terrifying! I can't stand them, especially in airports! They're a million miles steep and they expect you to balance yourself and your luggage onto a tiny moving platform. I don't think so.
7. Onions. After a night of food poisoning, I can never look at onions the same way. I should note that I know it wasn't the onion's fault, but they have taken the blame.
8. Folding laundry. It's done nothing to merit being on this list. I just find it irritating.
9. Grading yourself on a number scale. At work, we do reviews of ourselves and our progress at work, in which we grade ourselves on how well we feel we are doing. There's a fine line between confidence and being arrogant.
10. Needles and blood. Pretty sure the majority of the world is on my side on this one, but in all honesty, I can't handle it. I pass out or turn pale, okay paler, than what I already am. I donated blood once and it ruined me. I bleed to fast and then I passed out. I spent the whole day being dizzy and nauseous. Have I ever been back? Nope. I'm sure after another four years or so I'll build up the courage to go back...maybe.

1. My bed. It's pretty much the greatest thing known to man kind. It's always there for me after a long day of school and work. I doesn't judge me if/when I sleep in or go to bed at 9pm. What more can a girl ask for?
2. Sunshine. Who doesn't love sunshine?! It's nature's pick-me-up! Back home, in the land of eternal summer and perpetual sunshine, it always smelled of citrus and sea air. I'm confident that if sunshine had a scent, it would be that.
3. My family. We're a bunch of goofs, but I couldn't ask for anything better. Moving over 2,000 miles away from them to attend school was hard, but it's only been a growing opportunity for all of us. My family is amazing and I'm so excited to see them next month.
4. Adorable YouTube videos. I love media that uplift others, makes people laugh, or shares something that is just downright cute. For example, this is one that my brother shared with me today. So cute. I love it!
5. Babies. Okay, first off, I've been a nanny for nine years now. I can't help it; I love them :]
6. Dr. Pepper. I'm 100% confident that if I was given enough DP I could conquer the world.
7. Garlic naan. For those of you who don't know what naan is, it's Indian flat bread and tangible proof that God loves us.
8. One Direction. Yes, I am well aware that I'm pushing the borders of age-appropriateness of liking boy bands. Quite frankly, I don't care. In my defense, I was a little young in the 90's to really get into the Backstreet Boys or NSYNC. Also, I'm seeing One Direction in concert in July!! What?! I'm so excited! I bought my tickets last year. Don't judge.
9. Dresses. I know I mentioned this the other day, but it doesn't make it any less true.
10. Laser Tag. Again, pushing the borders of age-appropriateness. Doesn't change my love for it in the slightest.

"A goal not written down is merely a wish"

07 May 2013

Day 1

Day 1: Write some basic things about yourself
  • My name is April, but I'm fairly confident that you've figured that out already
  • I am 21 years old
  • I'm a huge extrovert and I love meeting new people and making friends
  • I study Family Life at Brigham Young University (don't worry, I'm not there for my MRS degree; I'm applying to grad school for Marriage and Family Therapy in a year)
  • I love life and all its twists and turns and general craziness
  • My favorite colors are a toss up between blues, greens, and purples
  • I love dresses - my entire closet is dedicated to them
  • I think I'm funnier than what I really am and I shamelessly laugh at my own jokes
  • I'm a huge classical music fan
  • I am an open book, ask a question and I'll answer it like I've known you for 5 years
  • I consider myself to be a pretty easy person to talk to 
  • I have three talents in life: cooking, baking, and sewing
  • Most importantly, I'm a Latter-Day Saint
Have a question? Ask it!

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."

30 Day Blog Challenge

Well, here we are. This spring term, I'm not taking classes and I'm left to entertain myself when I'm not working. Thus this blog was born!!  Bring on the stereotypical 30 day start-up blog challenge!! Here's the schedule for upcoming days, kiddos

"Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it"
-Winston Churchill