01 July 2013

Day 9

Well, I'm back from the dead. Sorry guys. I really don't have an excuse for this, so you have full liberty to make up a ridiculously lame one and throw me under the bus - even though I doubt any of y'all have been waiting in high anticipation and suffering from anxiety attacks while you were waiting for me to post again. But then again, you never know....

Day 9: Pet Peeves

  1. Measuring cups & spoons that have the labels rubbed off. I mean, that's just plain irritating.
  2. When people interrupt others in conversations. It's just rude. Oh, I'm sorry did the middle of my sentence inhibit of the beginning of yours?
  3. Unpacking. Not really much of a pet peeve, but I just don't like it. Just like this next one...
  4. Folding laundry. Also, yes, I am aware that I mentioned this earlier. My opinion clearly hasn't changed since.
  5. The volume of the radio and TV has to be set on multiples of 2 or 5. Yes, that leaves a broad spectrum of numbers but just let me have this, okay?

"Knowledge is knowing the tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting them into your fruit salad."
-Miles Kington

1 comment:

  1. pet peeve: people taking food off my plate without asking (i get kinda possessive)
