15 July 2013

Day 13

Look! I'm getting caught up on my posts! Aren't you proud? .... I'll take your silence as a yes.

Day 13: Three confessions of your choice

1. I haven't been on a date since January.
Well, okay. There are lots of things that I do with guys that technically qualify as dates, but in my mind it's not a date unless he asks and uses the phrase "will you do/go _____ with me?" The real confession part about all this is that I'm kinda happy about it. I mean, yes, I miss having someone but it has been nice not having to worry about another person other than myself. I've enjoyed these past couple of months getting to know me and who I am when I'm standing alone...and to be completely honest, I like me! When dating comes back into the picture, I want someone to like me for the same reasons I like me....does that make any sense? I hope so...

2. I am addicted to reading. This summer, as you know, I've had more time on my hands so I've decided to get back into reading. I feel that sometimes, I don't know what's reality or not. I just become so invested in the books I'm reading that I forget what's real and what isn't. I don't know...maybe it's just me. But, in exciting news, I got a kindle!! Check it out!

3. I talk a lot. Sometimes, more than what I care to admit, I say more than what I should. I could prattle on all day about anything and everything. I tend to do it more when I'm nervous or excited about something. If I'm ever silent around you don't feel offended, take it as a compliment that I feel comfortable enough around you that I don't need to say anything.

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