15 July 2013

Day 14

Day 14: Provide pictures of five celebrity crushes

1. Ryan Gosling - okay, what girl doesn't have a crush on him. I mean, really.

2. Colin Firth - what a classy man. He will forever and always be my Mr. Darcy

3. Emma Stone - oh goodness. I love her. Someone told me once (back when my hair was red) that I looked like her. Best. compliment. of. my. life!

4. Jennifer Lawrence - okay. another girl crush, but let's be honest, who doesn't love her? She's so funny and down to earth. Plus, she's taken stands on major issues that she believes in and doesn't change her mind in hopes to gain more fans. She's completely herself no matter what situation she's in or who she's with. 

5. Chris Hemsworth - this man is beautiful. He was also in Star Trek. What more could a girl ask for?

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